Friday, September 11, 2009

Adobe Story

Adobe Story has been released on Adobe Labs and I'm giving it a try. It's an online collaborative script writing tool that injects metadata into your script that can be used later on in the production workflow. I've been using Buzzword for my scripts until, which is an online word processor. Story is based on Buzzword, so the learning curve is not steep.

So far, it's a quick and efficient tool for writing and organizing scripts, character bios, and synopses. I have noticed some limitations though, especially in the Character Dots feature that assigns coloured dots to each character in the script. This allows you and others who view the script to quickly see in what scenes particular characters appear. Unfortunately, there's a 6 dot limit so it's likely not all of you characters will get a dot. This probably won't be addressed in the initial release.

I'm most interested in seeing how the metadata flows down the production pipeline and is used by the other Production Premium apps. I'm usually pretty disorganized with my footage and hope this with provide an opportunity to save time and frustration.

For now, I've completed the script for episode 1, and the synopses for episodes 2, 3, and 4. I'll be working on those scripts in the coming weeks.

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